Monday, February 25, 2008

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you"

Dr Seuss

Ha! LOVE that quote! Love the uniqueness of each one of us that it addresses. Gotta give God the credit (and praise) for that. Wouldn't it be a boring, boring existence if we were all the same?

And the depth of who we are goes so far beyond what we see on the surface. I hope to concentrate more on that depth in others than on the surface beauty that the media so wants to sell us on.

And, yes! I want to embrace the ME that I am. Why do I/we get so caught up in trying so hard to be like someone else? I know oftentimes it's because we just really appreciate or enjoy who they are. But then we cross the line from appreciation to comparing ourselves to them and, inevitably begin feeling somehow bad about ourselves... I want to STOP that and just enjoy their uniqueness - and MINE!

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