Monday, February 18, 2008

"The Sound of Music"

We all listen to music everyday. Whether it be on the radio, IPod, CD Player, the TV or sounds of birds singing, children laughing. Find the music in your day.

Nothing really moves me like music. Whether it be lyrics or melody, music can stir emotions in me more than anything else. And I love that Anna mentions bird songs in her prompt, because I definitely consider nature sounds a music - God's pure music. One of my favorite things to do when the weather permits is to sit on the front porch in the morning and have my quiet time there, reading, praying, listening to the birdsongs or the soft rustling of the leaves, or the chimes as they are gently moved by the breeze.

But there's more. Besides the fact that I have an extensive selection of CD's to choose from whenever the mood strikes, music is very much a regular part of my life. My husband and I lead the music/worship at our church. My part involves not only the leading the singing but also providing the musical accompaniment which is solely, at this point, the guitar. I started out just filling in because our pianist moved away and that was, well, so many years ago, I've lost count. We are also part of our Praise Team, so it's my "business" to be majorly involved in the process of finding, learning and teaching new songs to both the team and our congregation. And, honestly. It's not that I'm so gifted or anything. In a larger church, in a bigger city, I would never have this ministry. But God put us where we are - in a rural community and at a little church in the boonies - and I am incredibly blessed that He has allowed me to be used this way. I do love the sound of music....

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