Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work" -Oprah Winfrey

Go back to your goal list, how are you getting on? Take a self portrait

I appreciate my goal list. I have been looking at it. There are a couple things I've done okay with, but most I'm still just stabbing at. But, you know? I AM still looking at that list. And I know that I can't change EVERYthing overnight. So I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'm just going to keep trying and keep trying to do better.

Change is hard to come by. Sometimes I just forget that I'm trying to change something and go along as I always have. The ones I'm really trying to concentrate on the most - because they will effect ME and possibly more readily enable changes in the other areas - are to healthy up my lifestyle and to get to bed before midnight. I have made some positive changes in my eating habits. And I feel it, too. A little weight has come off and I feel more energetic. The one I'm really struggling with, though, is getting to bed before midnight. The times that I have done that, I'm able to get up earlier in the a.m. and feel like I have more productive hours in the day before me. So I really do want to concentrate on that. That will help me to stick to having my quiet time in the morning and will help me to better establish that "regular" schedule.

I've made stabs at keeping my gratitude journal and walking (my driveway is literally an ice-skating rink right now, though) and reading. I'm in the process of making my scrapping more purposeful, if not an income-making venture. I've even been working on the listening more. Haven't been sending cards, though. (But I HAVE been making stuff!). :)

All in all, I haven't forgotten. These things are important to me. For me, it's all about baby steps. That's what will make it stick. So I will continue to work at taking them....


Tanya said...

Baby steps are good. Little by little..we have a whole year remember.

Martha said...

It's all about knowing what you can do and being realistic in your goals. It sounds like you've got both of those going! You have a great attitude!