Saturday, April 19, 2008


Justice is a collective term that can be divided into two broad categories: just behavior, the treatment of others with genuine respect and in an equitable manner, and the administration of law, in which a judge or panel of judges, a magistrate, or a jury enforce legislation, with the objectives of protecting victims and lawfully punishing perpetrators.

Since I'm not a judge or anything like a judge, I'm going with the first category of definition. I think that in the world I live in, the times I live in, justice is a diminishing trait. I think we are self-absorbed, busy in our own little worlds, always in a hurry. I think we depend too much on ourselves. I think we often think the world pretty much revolves around us. (In this commentary, I admit that the words we and us pretty much means me and me.) It's hard to respect others when you're all caught up in yourself, huh? I mean, really, how often do we (okay - I!) treat others "just" as I would want to be treated? Friends, people I love, yeah, sure. But how about casual acquaintances. Or strangers. How about people I (there I said it) don't like?

Tough thoughts.

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