Wednesday, April 9, 2008

ENVY - is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation

I don't think I'm an envious person. To not be envious insinuates that I am content with what I have, that I don't desire what I don't have. Well, when it comes to "stuff", I think I can pretty safely say that's true. But, sometimes, I am envious of relationships that people have. Or of people's shapes or sizes. (By the way, I couldn't care less if it's someone I don't know, but when it's someone I DO know - that's where I can sometimes stray.) I can be envious of attention someone else might be receiving that I'm not. Or if someone else accomplishes something I thought I held license to. Pft! How dare they? Stuff like that. I don't like it when I feel that way, but, there it is.

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